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Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Online Dating Service at Social Networking Sites

Here are a few suggestions how you can use the power of social networking sites to expand your potential dating contacts.
1. Use a chat room - All these kinds of sites will have a chat feature, chat rooms or one on one chat online, is a great way to make that initial contact in a safe anonymous way, and a way in which you can decide who is interesting to you and which contacts you may wish to take further.

2. Form or join an interest group - On your chosen dating site there will be groups of people with special interests that you can join and meet up with like minded people online, and if there isn't one that you like you can always start your own.

3. Explore friendship first - When you find people with whom you feel compatible it doesn't always mean you will be compatible for romance. If you start with the attitude that you are just trying to connect with new people, many of your contacts may turn into great social acquaintances or friends. By not ruling people out, just because you don't see that instant romantic spark, you will truly enhance your social life and who knows things can change and it may lead you to that special someone.

4. Be polite and open minded - It is possible you will receive a message from another member that you feel is not worth taking the time to write a response. If you take that extra couple of minutes to write a short reply, you never know where that contact may lead. It is possible that by being open minded, that other member could prove to be helpful by introducing you to someone else, or by helping you network for career advancement. You never know, so it never hurts to be polite.

Social networking sites are great places to meet new people, do not be too focused on meeting a romantic partner Keep an open mind, and use the comprehensive features available on the site ou will will expand your social network. Who knows where that will lead, have fun! First dates are expected to be fun, exciting and with the atmosphere of just getting to know the other person better. It should not be a time to rigidly screen the other person if he is the perfect match for you, so it is important to carefully pick dating conversation topics that will not ruin the date. Of course, who will not get excited with a first date? You have probably spent hours to do your hair, carefully select what dress you will be most attractive on, or tried on a different perfume.

The guys probably spent a lot of time in front of the mirror. Then when you finally sit face to face on the dinner table, he would suddenly comment about the last time he and his ex-girlfriend visited that restaurant - that could be the end of it. There are actually lots of things that you can talk about on the first date. You can talk about hobbies, about what happened during the day or you can feast on some issues about celebrities. Most often, it just takes a little common sense to know the good dating conversation topics, and those that are not really appropriate as well.

However, if you want to be reminded of this deadly dating conversation topics that should be avoided on your first date, you might want to refresh your memory on the no-no's on your first date. The obvious topics that you should not bring up on your first date include racist comments or jokes, religion, politics (could be too serious and boring for a date), gruesome topics like rape, death or torture. Of course, this should be first on the list. Do not start the evening by telling her about the last time you were in that restaurant with your ex. Forget about your past lovers. Do not think your date will be proud if you talk about who you went out with and how many.

Also avoid any discussions on sex. There are lots of things you can ask your date other than this. Also avoid telling your date about some problems at work or some financial problems you had. First dates are suppose to be fun. Do not also attempt to bring out topics about how much money one makes. You can ask about jobs but forget about probing into their pocketbooks. Hobbies and interests are good online dating conversation topics during the first date but do not anymore bring up topics that are understood only by a few people or those highly specialized topics like that latest version of computer games you had or that sci-fi movie. Aside from the topics that you should avoid talking about on your first date, there are also things that you should avoid doing on the first date. Saying 'I love you' on the first date could be a big turnoff. If you are a business-minded person, forget about selling your product to your date, and even if first dates are meant to be in a getting-to-know-you stage, do not talk too much about yourself and what you have achieved in life. In dating, it is important to listen as well.

Sorces : MyFoxOrlando.com

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