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Monday, February 21, 2011

More on Dating American Singles - My Date with Lia

Firstly, I have to appologize that I haven't followed through on my meeting and dating american singles as I had wanted to.

If you haven't been reading about my experiences with Lia, then let me just give you a short background. I met her at a local bakery (don't ask where – because this is how I keep myself anonymous) and after a few brief flirting conversations (again – I have to say – more on her part than on mine and not because I am not interested but because I become speechless in such situations.) we went out to an Indian movie.

Just so that you know - I am Indian. I have come here very recently (a few months) and I like it here. (ok! No all the time – but most of the time, but I do miss Bombay and my friends and family.)

So when I met Lia and went out with her, I was thrilled. She was so unlike the girls back home. But one of her ex-boyfriends bumped into us and did not budge for the rest of the evening. He was pushy and I felt very awkward since I didn't know how she felt about him.

Eventually, he got a call on his cell and when he left, she took my hand and said," I hope you know that I am not interested in him at all."

That was all I needed and when he came back, I told him we were leaving. He said, "Sure, let's go."

I said, "No. We two are going alone." He kind of made a small scene, but as soon as we left, Lia hugged my hand and placed her head on my shoulder.

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